Texas Retired Educators Deferred Dividend Association

"They did not work less; they only worked for less."


TREDDA provides financial aid and assistance to indigent or similarly deserving retired public school employees in the state of Texas with funds derived in part from sources other than dues, fees. or assessments for its services

TREDDA is a group of people that believe in helping others who “did not work less, they only worked for less” and now, as retired individuals, try to survive below the poverty level.

You do not have to be a member to make a donation to TREDDA, and you do not need to be active or retired as an educator to join. Anyone can join TREDDA!

For more information, click here.

TREDDA Annual Luncheon Fundraiser


You are welcome to make a donation via PayPal by clicking below, or visit our Membership & Donations page for more information and donation options.



Membership is open to persons who have served or who are presently serving as paid employees in any instituation supported by the state of Texas, in any capacity whatsoever, provided such employment is covered by the Teacher Retirement System of Texas or to persons who have an interest in the welfare of the employees of the public education system.

For more information, click here.

Or make payment online: